Date with Mag: Small success or a terrible disaster?

One fine day, May said he would like to do something with me but he didn’t know what.

So I told him to follow me.

This was THE chance. Akh had recommended that I should fish and cook something nice for someone I care about. So I finally had the chance to follow his tip!

2014-05-10 Date Mag Coertas 01

Not knowing what was going on, I dragged Mag through the snowy Coertas and made him sit down on the wooden char next to the ice hole.

All Fishers know this ice hole. It’s pretty unique.

And it’s the perfect location to fish Northern Pikes for a special someone!

2014-05-10 Date Mag Coertas 02

After catching a few, I prepared with the utmost concentration a wonderful dish for Mag.

It was of the highest quality. All ingredients were gathered by hand, cooked and arranged with lots of… love.

2014-05-10 Date Mag Coertas 03

I handed him the stuffed cabbage.

A delicious scent of grilled fish with vegetables filled the air.

I was so excited what Mag might say to it!

2014-05-10 Date Mag Coertas 04

…But he stayed all cool and thanked me for the dishes… WITHOUT EVEN TRYING THEM! ;o;

How could he be so insensitive and ruin my wonderful date?

And how should he know that I wanted him to eat if I didn’t tell him?

Angry at myself, I just teleported away.

What a disappointment I was.

2014-05-10 Date Mag Coertas 05

Seeking comfort at the ocean with my Sahagin friends, suddenly Mag came running after me!

Surprised by this unexpected guesture from his side, he even asked if something was wrong and why I had left so suddenly.

I became so embarassed, that I just couldn’t tell him the truth!

So I pretended I came here for the Sahagin quests… Oh gawd, I am so stupid!!

2014-05-10 Date Mag Coertas 06

That was when suddenly, he mentioned that he would keep my food to use it to gain strength for especially hard fight.

Awwwww! I couldn’t be happier and prouder of myself and my skills! ö.ö

He was so nice and I was such a crybaby and weakling!

Angrily I rallied his legs. Why would he be so nice to me!

2014-05-10 Date Mag Coertas 07

He most likely didn’t know why  he had to endure the rally-attack…

I just hopes, my food lends him power and strength to defeat the most dangerous foes and become a truer hero than he already is! ö.ö

And the next day, suddenly…

2014-05-19 Date Mag Kiss

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Ahkenaten Sienna
    May 30, 2014 @ 09:22:49


    Congratulations Riiko! It is always difficult at the start, but my guylafell senses are feeling like you are on the path to a good end! I will cheer your love from the sidelines!



  2. Riiko Rinkoko
    May 30, 2014 @ 10:04:58

    Wooosh! Thank you for the support! ö.ö
    I hope, this is going well… there are so many pretty miqo lady rivals @___@;;



  3. Ramzah
    May 30, 2014 @ 21:31:45

    I thought Magatsu has an engagement with R’una? Does this mean war?! @.@



  4. Riiko Rinkoko
    May 30, 2014 @ 23:23:28

    That was organized by their parents! ò.ó Also, Mag set R’una free to follow her own path. Screw that Miqo girl!! “o_´´o



  5. Ramzah
    May 31, 2014 @ 18:11:52

    Ah! So…. Why would he set her free if he would not have interest in someone else… as example a lalafell which made him the best food ever, or so?! :D



  6. Ryko
    May 31, 2014 @ 19:41:39

    So he is single now I take? ö.ö



  7. Riiko Rinkoko
    May 31, 2014 @ 20:00:18

    Take your pretty hands off Mag, Ryko! “o_´´o



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