Shadowbringers Story 5.0: Lakeland and Holminster Switch

Lakeland is a beautiful area with magical purple fauna and everlasting light.

A nearby village was attacked so of course I gathered my most trusted friends to help them!

The dream team.

We could see the flames from afar.

Villagers came running!

Death and destruction everywhere. May these poor souls find peace in the lifestream.

Some of them transformed into beings corrupted with light, so we had to slay them all.

In the end, I absorbed all the light from them.

And then channeled that light aether towards the sky.

The light eather broke through the sky, breaking the weil of everlasting light and bringing back the night to the area around Lakeland.

For the first time in many many years, the people saw the night sky again.

With a smile of relief, the Crystal Exarch kneeled down in front of me, thanking me. It was so dark, I could barely see him. It’s a miracle that he didn’t talk to a rock instead…

Of course, I promised to help him!

This young lady saw the night sky for the first time in her life. It must have been scary and mezmerizing at the same time.

The people in the Crystarium were celebrating and decided to create “lanterns” and other means of lighting their town and paths, so that people could actually see something.

My job was done and I went out to slay some more unfortunate souls that had been turned.

Actually, I made friends with a dwarf.

We observed a very familiar face reviving the creature I just killed.

Well, that was weird. I felt like a total meany as I slayws the creature again. <.<;

The only bad thing about me removing the eternal light from Lakeland: There can now be bad weather that looks pretty awful. :(

At least the mornings look so beautiful.

Beautiful enough for me to be distraced and allow some blonde, innocent, helpless girl to be obducted by purple soldiers.

Of course I mobilized the army of the Crystarium to free this girl who was un-careful enough to get kidnapped.

We fought.

Then, suddenly, a really cool dude appeared.

No, not that martial arts guy on the right.

I mean Thancred!

Turns out, he’s that girl’s babysitter dad.

Turns out, Thancred has been raising her and teaching her how to use knives. Yet, she was totally useless. I’m not convinced that she’s an asset to our team yet, but we shall see. ò.ó;

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Shadowbringers Story 5.0: Alisaie’s Adventures in Amh Araeng

Alisaie has gone to Amh Araeng and I followed her path to find and bring her back to the Crystarium.

Amh Araeng is a very deserty-rocky place.

There are Sabotenders growing on the Sabotender! O.O;;

Arrival at Mord Souq.

To gain their trust, I have to purchase and eat at least one of their food…

The choices are… unique.

Most difficult decision in my life.

I went for the wrigglers. Cause that’s what the Kobolt would have chosen.

After nearly been killed, I decide to show my generosity.

Finally, I found a lead for Alisaie!

Leaping Lizard, is that you?

Very fun FATE Chain!

The frozen wave of light as we saw on the map and in history books. And below it, a rocky transformation, harboring Tesleen’s home.

A place where she cares for the sick.

Looking for Alisaie.

When suddenly…

She’s happy to see me, yet was hoping for my earlier appearance…

She showed me around, taught me about Amh Araeng and the sin eaters.

At the camp, they don’t care for the normal sick people. They care for those who are corrupted with light…

Dinner back at the camp.

I’m happy to have found this place in the middle of the desert. An asylum for those in need.

Shadowbringers Story 5.0: Nobody talks about what’s wrong with Eulmore

Finally, we were let into Eulmore.

Welcomed by bureaucracy.

Their first words: “You stink.”


Yes, clean the clothes as well!

Perfume is a MUST.

Alphi slacking off…

Whar did you chose to say to him?

Out patrons who want to enjoy Alphi’s art.

While Alphi is getting to know them, I spend my time at the bar.

Enjoying hot dancers.

Kakegurui reference?

Advertisement for the bar.

I explored more of the place. Something was weird. A little innocent girl was scared of the Ascencion…

Alphinaud got a new fancy outfit!

His art is impressively good O.o; Unlike Alisaie’s…

Then, there was an audience at Lord Vaultrey, basically the king and leader of Eulmore.

What… Who are those angel-like creatures?

Then suddenly…!

Of course, Alphi has to aid, and I follow up.

Up close, Vaultry looks… scary.

Anyway, we free Kai-Shirr and he thanks us for freeing him.

I can feel that something is wrong with Eulmore but nobody ever says it and I can’t pinpoint it yet. I’m just happy, we left.

Alphi decides, it’s time to go back to the Crystarium to report back to the others, leaving his patrons behind in Eulmore.

Shadowbringers Story 5.0: Alphinaud’s Adventures in Kohlusia and Eulmore

I decided to follow Alphinaud first, who had been busy in Kholusia.

It’s a dry and barren land where the poor struggle to survive.

No wonder when living Maultaschen are walking around! (Maultasche is a German dumpling-like dish)

Things are very different here.

I met Alphinaud in a bar, very worried he might have strayed to the wrong path.

Luckily, I was wrong.

He brought me to the gates of Eulmore, a kind of palace where everyone wants to live!

The poor have built their huts and tents in front of the gates and occasionally get supplied with food.

It’s called Meol and looks like some kind of Brötchen.

After this spectacle of extatic poor peole enjoying the little buns, Alphinaud and I decided to explore the area and try to help those in need.

The Wall looks weirdly familiar. Although, this is a cliff…

We found a nearly drowned man at the beach.

A shipyard.

Finally, Alphinaud has decided to put his plan into motion.

We were promised a place full of riches.

But what we got, was more poor people, struggling to survive at the foot of Eulmore, not allowed to enter again.

The rich dump the things they don’t need anymore without care what happens it it.

Sounds scarily familiar.

So, what now?

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